Yandex.Music API (Unofficial) for .Net Core
The api is out of date does not match the current state
This is wrapper for the Yandex.Music API
Solution allows you to work with Yandex music based on the client.
The project is divided into 2 parts, Yandex.Music.Client and Yandex.Music.Api.
Yandex.Music.Api - contains pure api Yandex
Yandex.Music.Client - ready client for working with Yandex Api
The difference between Yandex.Music.Api and Yandex.Music.Client is that Yandex.Music.Api contains pure api, but when we add a song to your favorites in the web version of yandex music, for example, several queries may be performed (adding a song to a playlist, adding a radio to recommendations, like / dislike, updating the list songs). Using Yandex.Music.Api, you take this moment under your control. Yandex.Music.Client takes it upon himself and repeats the functionality of Yandex music. Client works on top of Yandex.Music.Api.
How use